Beatriz Ruiz, LCSW, SIFI

Staff Therapist

Pronouns: she/he/they

Education: B.A. The University of Illinois at Chicago; M.A., The University of Illinois at Chicago; M.S.W., New York University 

Training: The Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery at The Mount Sinai Hospital; The Jack Martin Fund Clinic at The Mount Sinai Hospital; Callen-Lorde Community Health Center; Safe Horizon Brooklyn Community Program

Post-Graduate Training and Certifications: Somatic Coping for Stress; Intensive Dialectical Behavioral Therapy; Forensic Evaluation of Asylum Seekers and Documentation of Human Rights Abuse 

License: New York State # 090392

Areas of Expertise: QTPOC, Latinx identity, LGBTQIA+, gender, sexuality, religious trauma, BPD, C-PTSD, PTSD, vicarious trauma, mood disorders, chronic pain and illness, sex work, alternative family structures, estrangement, queer and transgender youth, immigration, living with HIV/AIDs, harm-reduction, kink-affirming

Language: Fluent in Spanish